Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sleeping less and less: SPAMAYL

For those who do not know, SPAMAYL is an acronym for "sleep polyphasic as much as you like". In this schedule, one sleeps 20 minutes at a time whenever they want! as long as there are 20 minutes between naps.

NOW, for the good stuff:
The reason I am trying this is because I have an idea for a program I have become obsessed with for more than a week. It's been robbing me of a normal sleep schedule, I wake up, or cannot fall asleep knowing it will be so long until I work on it again. I am currently attempting to implement it, but there are so many things I am adding along the way.

I can no longer stand it, I am trying polyphasic, I know it will temporarily set me back, but I will spend my time making more ideas for this program (to see my most current idea go to, I try to put it in everyday human language)

Stay tuned to see how well this goes.