Sunday, October 3, 2010

Polyphasic: temporary failure

I am sad, I overslept today, and since that would mean i would be miserable during school for a good week (and midterms are spread out in the next week or two), I cannot follow through right now. It's the reasonable thing to do for now

To sa I give up would be incorrect however, you can bet i'll be at this after midterms again

EDIT: just learned from my mother there was a power outage... I dont know why she didnt wake me up if there was one. However this is disappointing.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Funny thing sleep is

Here's the day2 update!

I managed to get 20 minute naps of actual sleep!
I found my first few were odd, I would have a sort of waking dream, and I started to hate falling asleep because in my waking dream I would always be confused. I would try to make sense of nonsense.

Until about 4am, I was thinking "wow this is really easy" I was on day 2 cruising along like it was nothing. I was hoping to be some miracle exception to the adaptation phase! screw adaptation right?!

But as soon as 4 am hit, I started sleeping on and off every 20 minutes, I was exhausted. I have likely gotten 12 naps in the night, totaling 4 hours of sleep. I already have been waking up before my naps are over, but that doesn't mean I'm not tired when I do!!!!

Before this, I really needed around 10 hours of sleep to feel at my best, and as of now, I have no idea if my body will even like the idea of dropping naps.

Well i'll keep going and see what happens!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Messed up first night?!

Bad News:
Well, I set up my alarm incorrectly so it did not actually go off! Sad thing is, I not only messed up the configuration but one alarm, but two alarms!

Good news:
I did only sleep for 3 hours, given that, I will give credit to the 'core nap' theory

I will continue to attempt SPAMAYL
One odd sensation I would like to report- is that some songs I listen to seem to sound faster for some reason. I dont know if i've ever seen somebody report that.

I am not discouraged, I will continue. Although I did not expect to screw up the first night XD

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sleeping less and less: SPAMAYL

For those who do not know, SPAMAYL is an acronym for "sleep polyphasic as much as you like". In this schedule, one sleeps 20 minutes at a time whenever they want! as long as there are 20 minutes between naps.

NOW, for the good stuff:
The reason I am trying this is because I have an idea for a program I have become obsessed with for more than a week. It's been robbing me of a normal sleep schedule, I wake up, or cannot fall asleep knowing it will be so long until I work on it again. I am currently attempting to implement it, but there are so many things I am adding along the way.

I can no longer stand it, I am trying polyphasic, I know it will temporarily set me back, but I will spend my time making more ideas for this program (to see my most current idea go to, I try to put it in everyday human language)

Stay tuned to see how well this goes.